No Surprises! Our prices now include ground shipping within the continental United States.
Prize Wheel and Prize Drop games ship from our warehouse within two business days.
The following map details transit times for shipments via ground service from our warehouse. These transit times apply to the Prize Wheels and Prize Drop. Other products found on our site may be shipped from alternate locations, resulting in additional transit time.

Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada is no longer available from our online shipping cart. Contact us to receive a shipping quote to these areas.
Shipping will be by FedEx Ground, UPS Ground, or USPS Priority Mail.
We are not responsible for delays that may occur in transit. Any delays due to weather-related issues from the shipper will not receive a shipping credit.
Every attempt is made to list accurate production times. However, due to circumstances beyond our control, an item may be listed that is no longer available. If this occurs, you will be contacted by email or phone as soon as possible.
If a product is returned, shipping costs will be deducted from the refund amount. You can read more about this on our F.A.Q page.
Please Note: Shipping to a residential address may result in one extra day added to the delivery time or delivery after normal business hours.